Impotence as a result of lifestyle pressure

Impotence is one of the biggest problems in today's bedroom environment. Once though to be a condition restricted to older or sickly men, impotence is today a common sight among men in their 30s and 40s. A successful performance record in bed is one of the key elements of confidence in men and potentially crucial to psychological well-being.

Most men are entrenched in their views of what makes a successful man and also in maintaining the appearances at all costs. This is why only a small part of those suffering from impotence seek professional help. This reluctance to admit one's problems means that some of the lighter cases, which could actually be treated, are never brought before a doctor.

The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and lifestyle-related. Most cases are caused by physical and psychological factors, but it is less known that lifestyle choices serve to worsen impotence in certain cases. The use and abuse of substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, heroine, cocaine and steroids, is many times instrumental in aggravating impotence.

Next come obesity and a "couch potato" lifestyle. A good sex life requires a well nourished and fit body that can stand the effort. Frequent exercising should be part of every lifestyle, while a balanced diet has never hurt anyone. Penis enlargement pills, patches or devices could also help solve the milder cases of impotence.

Products such as ProSolution Pills, Volume Pills or SizeGenetics are well known for their proven penis enlargement results and have also been successfully used by men suffering from sexual dysfunctions. These excellent products can help men achieve and maintain the erection required for sex. In turn this will generate a positive reinforcement cycle at the psychological level and a change in mindset that could well lead to a successful treatment.


Erectile Dysfunction - a review

Despite years of progress and accumulated changes in the world view of each generation, it is safe to say that sexual dysfunctions are still a sensitive issue for men. Shame and embarrassment made sexual dysfunction a taboo subject in polite company for a long time, which gave it a prominent position in the urban legends and endorsed dozens of folk remedies of doubtful effectiveness.

Modern times have brought a certain change of attitude, but the issue is still a touchy one and best left alone. The launching of Viagra in the '90s and the huge marketing campaign has shed some light on erectile dysfunction, since men who found a solution in these pills are no longer ashamed to admit their past problems.

Erectile dysfunctions have both physiological and psychological causes. Many such causes are medically reversible, others are not. Any condition that interferes with the flow of blood through the body is bound to have a negative impact on a man's sex life. Diabetes is a good example of a disease hampering blood flow, as are kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism and multiple sclerosis.

Men suffering from heart conditions or high blood pressure know that the drugs they take to avoid strokes are detrimental to what is known as a healthy sex life. Physical injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, bladder, pelvis or the nerves and arteries ear the penis and which are responsible for erections can be a factor causing erectile dysfunction.

On the psychological side, depression and the drugs associated with it interfere with erections. The same goes for feelings of anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem and shame. Stress is another major cause of temporary erectile dysfunction, especially in today's world. A history of erectile dysfunction also triggers patterns of depression and inadequacy that lead to further sexual failures.

All these physiological and psychological problems are compounded by vices. Heavy consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs is extremely bad for the cardiovascular system. Tobacco clogs the arteries and disrupts the flow of blood, while alcohol consumption makes it harder for a man to achieve both erection and orgasm.

Since the issue is very sensitive, it is impossible to know how many men suffer from this dysfunction. It has been estimated that about 5 percent of 40-year-old men and 25 percent of 65-year-old men suffer from erectile dysfunction. The first major step to treating erectile dysfunction is to acknowledge the problem and to seek help. The second major step is to identify which approach suits the patient best.

If the problem stems from feelings of depression and stress, then the patient should turn for a while to a life of relaxation, physical activity and socializing. Going to the gym or running in the park is a wonderful way to drive depression away because of both the physical exertion and socializing components involved.

Working out is also a good way to strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve blood flow. If the cause is a disease that hinders the flow of blood, doctors are likely to consider the use of vacuum devices or surgically implanted prostheses in order to achieve erection.

People suffering from diabetes have few other options and have to turn to devices. But most people can get by with drugs that promote the flow of blood to the penis. Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are already famous for their effects, although men suffering from heart conditions should see a physician before touching the stuff.

Other pills, like ProSolution Pills, are less radical in approach, but nearly as effective as the three brands mentioned above. Those who like a natural solution that has the advantage of originality, can also try penis exercises, like those made popular by the Penis Health program, to stimulate the flow of blood without any drugs or devices.


Does Weight Affect Sperm Quality?

With the spread of obesity throughout the industrialized world and a series of warnings about this growing problem from the rest of the world, many questions have been raised about how would obesity influence millions of lives. One such question is the title of this article.

No studies have been performed yet to determine whether obesity has a direct impact on the quality of sperm, but science has already identified several indirect links between obesity and a decrease in the quality of sex and sperm. What we know for a fact is that overweight and obese people tend to cut down on effort whenever they can.

This has a big influence on sex since regular effort is crucial to the secretion of testosterone by the body. Testosterone does not regulate the quality of sperm, but it does influence the sex drive and the growth of spermatogenic tissue in the testes. It is this tissue that performs the very production of sperm.

A decrease in the normal level of testosterone, which is bound to happen to every "couch potato" person who tends to avoid effort, leads to a drop in the libido. The individual is no longer as interested in sex as before, nor does he get as much pleasure from it as he used to. Combined with the frequent exposure to substances that mimic the effects of the estrogen hormone, the low level of testosterone may lead to shrinking penis and testicles.

Moreover, people who are overweight or obese may have unbalanced diets that tend to leave out foods rich in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals that enter the human body through food. It is found in oysters, beans, nuts and seeds. A deficiency of zinc, resulting from the inadequate intake or absorption of zinc, is marked by hair loss, skin lesions and wasting of body tissues.

Zinc is very important for the production of sperm and for maintaining the quality and motility of sperm. Without enough zinc, the quality of sperm will suffer. Therefore it can be argued that weight does influence the quality of sperm because overweight people tend to exercise less and, in fact, to avoid physical exertion, which is crucial to the production of testosterone.


Cancer check of testicles

If you are interested in staying healthy, then you are definitely interested in regular testing for testicular cancer. A testicular self exam is best taken after a warm bath, which would serve to relax the scrotum. This way anything abnormal with your testicles is much easier to spot. This is best done while standing in front of a mirror. You should look extra carefully about any swelling on the scrotum skin.

Examine the skin using both hands to make sure you cover every inch of it. Take each testicle between your fingers and roll it gently. If one of the testicles seems bigger than the other, don't panic. This is the way it's supposed to be. Cancer lumps are usually located on the side of the testicle, but they can also show up in front.

Make sure you are familiar with the anatomy of your testicles in order not to mistake the epididymis for a lump. The epididymis is the soft tube-like structure located behind the testicle and is used to collect sperm. If you do find a lump, go to a doctor right away. It may not be cancer, but it's very important to known for sure as soon as possible. The doctor is the only person qualified to diagnose cancer.


Health benefits of the male orgasm

If sex is the sweet part of a relationship, then orgasm has to be all that delightful chocolate they put in my favorite sweet things. Jokes aside, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that holds together the other aspects of a relationship between two people. And orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session. The pleasure that makes the tight worlds of intimate relationships go round.

What is less known is the fact that orgasms have certain health benefits attached to them. Indeed, it's more than just the feeling of well-being that we all have after getting off. Recent studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of men as any other function of their bodies.

In the early 1950s, Doctor Alfred Kinsey started releasing the studies into the sex lives of men and women that made him famous all over the world. One of the Kinsey reports proved that sex reduces stress and that people who have frequent sex and orgasms are less violent and less hostile than those who seldom engage in sex. This means that sex and orgasms have a long-term effect of calming down a person and helping keep the psychological balance.

Moreover, later studies showed that frequent sex and orgasms translate into lower death rates for both men and women (Duke University, 1970s and Caerphilly, 1997) lower risk of heart attacks for women (Psychosomatic Medicine, 1976). American Doctor Ted McIlvenna found that sexually active people draw far more joy from their lives than others and also take fewer sick leaves.

Gynecologist Dudley Chapman contended that orgasms help the body to fight infections, a proposition supported by psychologists from the Wilkes University. More recently, a study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 50 helps dramatically decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men.

This study ties in with other research suggesting that regular orgasm in males prevents painful urination in old age. According to these studies, frequent male ejaculation is crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems. So there you have it, people. It's plain to see that humans were meant to have sex often and to enjoy it a lot.

The body and the mind suffer without the frequent combination of exertion and release brought by sex and orgasms. This is why I'd like to tell you about a pill that makes orgasm all the more powerful. With so many positive sides to it and with practically no disadvantage, there is no reason why you shouldn't draw even more pleasure out of your orgasm.

VolumePills increases the production of sperm in the testicles and the release of testosterone in order to make sure you feel the need for more sex and you get a bigger kick out of it. More sperm means longer and more powerful orgasm. It also means better moods for your lady, as demonstrated by a study conducted by Gordon Gallup.

According to this study, semen reduces depression in women via mood-altering hormones that are absorbed through the vagina. So there you have it! Frequent sex and orgasms are good for both you and your partner and VolumePills can help you last longer and feel even more pleasure. Nothing to lose and a whole lot of pleasure and good health to gain.


Can Diet Affect Penis Size?

Food is many things. It's your daily supply of nutrients that keeps you going. It's your daily pleasure if you can afford fine meals every day. And it's also your biggest help in keeping your body healthy and fit. Without the right substances entering your body through food, you will suffer from the various diseases associated with malnutrition.

And I'm willing to bet you had no idea that food can also influence the size of your penis. Not many people are aware of the extensive influence certain things have on our bodies. For instance, the pants your wear can hinder spermatogenesis (the production of sperm by the testes) by being too tight. Everyone wants to look good, but it's silly to sacrifice your sperm for a pair of tight jeans.

The main thing to look for in food is for those ingredients that will keep your blood flowing. The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels. Examples of such food are salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, liver and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

While these foods have no readily detectable influence on the size of your penis, their presence in your diet helps promote the blood flow that is the key to erection. If your circulatory system is in perfect shape and if the blood vessels are allowing more blood to pass through the penis, then your erection is bound to be bigger than usual.


Common questions with the SG device

The SizeGenetics program has taken the penis enlargement market by storm with a new level of quality and customer service. The success of this program has caught the eye of hundreds of new customers who want more information about this amazing opportunity. The most important thing that we want to advertise right fro the start is that the SizeGenetics program has no side effects.

The pills are made of 100 percent natural ingredients and have been taken by thousands of men so far without any reported side effects. The device has passed standardized testing and has been worn by thousands of customers. The pills and device are part of a program that must be followed by customers.

However, since every man is different, the customers are encouraged to use the recommended program as a basis for drawing up their own program based not only on their daily schedules, but also on their responses to the four components of the SizeGenetics program. By far the best news for prospective customers is the fact that gains in penis length and girth do not recede over time.

This means that you can stop taking the pills and using the device once you've reached the desired size and the gains will stay with you throughout your life. Also, the device proved successful for straightening out curved penises. No more embarrassing moments for men whose penises are curved with the help of the traction device.

The program is backed by our amazing 100 percent money back guarantee. All that is asked of you is to use the SizeGenetics system for at least 2 months. If you are not satisfied with the results, you have a full year at your disposal to return our products to us for a full discount. This is the best money back guarantee in the whole industry.